Truth or Consequences, NM, is a quiet, small town on the I25 corridor, between Las Cruces and Socorro. It is best known for its hot springs. In fact, it was called Hot Springs until 1950, when radio show host Ralph Howards promised to air his show Truth or Consequences from any town that changed its name to Truth or Consequences. T or C, as its known colloquially, was the only one to take the challenge. This small town is also known for the giant nearby lake called Elephant Butte. Many people came to this oasis town to water ski, fish, boat, camp, and soak in hot mineral water.
But there’s a darker side to this town. Not only is it infested with meth use and distribution which has earned it the moniker White Trash Mecca, but T or C is also known as the location of the Toy Box Killer and his infamous Toy Box torture chamber. This darker side of the town’s history revolves around a serial rapist and sadist, his various accomplices, and his many victims, most of whom are unknown and unidentified to this day.
The Toy Box Killer
So who is the Toy Box Killer? His name was David Parker Ray. An unassuming mustachioed man in appearance, he’s been dead since 2002 – and hopefully roasting in Hell, where he belongs. During his life, though, he was quite busy kidnapping, torturing, raping, and possibly killing women – at least 40.

He had a semi trailer on his Elephant Butte property, fitted with instruments of torture and a film camera setup. This is what we now call the “Toy Box.” Many women suffered unspeakable cruelty and suffering inside the Toy Box.
Ray is suspected to be responsible for over sixty missing women in Arizona and New Mexico, and possibly other states. The problem is that none of the bodies have been found. It is not clear if he killed his victims or tortured them and let them go under a drugged state.
David Parker Ray ruined many lives without remorse. Some of his survivors have come forward to share the horrors they endured at Ray’s hands. One of his survivors died of a drug overdose before standing trial, likely because she couldn’t live with the pain he caused her. Another one was divorced by her husband, who didn’t believe her harrowing tale of rape and torture and assumed she had been cheating on him instead.
Now is a good time to mention that Ray was not acting alone – he had accomplices in his daughter, Glenda “Jesse” Ray, and his girlfriend, Cindy Hendy. These two women helped lure women into Ray’s home, so that he could capture them, drug them, and chain them up in the Toy Box. He also had friends who would come into the Toy Box and rape women with him, and other girlfriends in the past who helped him lure in, abduct, torture, and rape his victims.

Ray’s MO was to capture five to six women a year with the assistance of his girlfriend and daughter. He would then chain them up inside the Toy Box and repeatedly rape them and torture them with surgical instruments for three to four months at a time, filming the whole thing. Later he would sell the videos for thousands of dollars. His girlfriend and his dogs would help him rape the women, as well. Then he would drug the women with sodium pentothal and phenobarbital, often to the point of inducing amnesia, and he would play recordings of his voice to taunt them when they came to from the drugs and physical trauma.
He dumped at least two of his victims on the side of the road under the influence of these drugs when he was done with them. The idea was that they would not remember anything to implicate him in a crime. Yet three of his living victims remembered what he did to them and agreed to testify against him once he was finally arrested. Only two of these victims made it to court; Angelica Montano overdosed before the court date. Film footage, his journal entries, and his accomplices all indicate that he killed many women, too, though these women have not been found yet. Many of the women in his torture tapes (or “fuck flicks” as he called them) are still unidentified and we don’t know their fates.
Ray’s Past
Ray was born in Belen and grew up with a sister named Peggy. They were raised by their grandfather, who was very strict and not very loving. Sometimes their abusive and alcoholic father would drop by, but he was mostly absent from their lives. From a young age, David Parker Ray’s father would show him sadomasochistic pornography magazines and also beat him.
Ray went to school in Mountainair, NM, where he was terribly bullied for being shy and awkward, especially around girls. He started drinking and using drugs at an early age. He also started fantasizing about bondage and killing women, and he would draw it out. Peggy found some of these drawings and was deeply disturbed by them.
Generally, per current research, people are repulsed by things like childhood exposure to sadomasochism. But if they already have psychopathic tendencies, they will be stimulated and inspired by it. A combination of genes, head trauma, and environment are currently thought to cause psychopathy, so these things may have happened to David Parker Ray and made him the monster he became. He does have many factors in common with other psychopaths: childhood abuse, early exposure to violence and sadomasochism, substance abuse, bullying.
After graduating, Ray went on to work as a general mechanic for the US Army. He was honorably discharged at the end of his service. Then he married, divorced, and married again – a total of four times. All in all, he went through four divorces and had two children. One of the children, Glenda Jean Ray, now Jesse Ray, became his accomplice. Who knows what abuse she endured as a child to make her assist her father in his psychotic cruelty. Maybe she also inherited psychopathy and enjoyed helping her father in his evil endeavors.
In the 80s, Ray moved to the property near Elephant Butte. He acquire a semi-trailer which he outfitted for torture. Then he made his sick fantasies reality. It is believed that he began his sick rape (and possibly murder) spree in the mid-1950s, even before the Toy Box. He had plenty of accomplices over the years, ranging from friends to girlfriends and even Jesse Ray. It is unclear if any of his four ex-wives participated in his torture.
Satan’s Den
Though it is now referred to as the Toy Box, Ray called this trailer “Satan’s Den.” He even had a homemade sign on the wall saying “Satan’s Den,” like he was just so proud of his horrific creation. He made the Toy Box perfect for his sadistic torture and also used it as a set for making sadomasochistic videos, which he then sold for thousands of dollars. These videos could not be admitted as evidence in court later on because they said “For Entertainment Purposes Only” at the beginning, but according to Hendy and Ray both, they contained real footage of his victims.
The interior of the Toy Box is truly chilling. It is well-thought-out and carefully designed to maximize the suffering of his victims and make torture easier for him and his accomplices. The walls and shelves not only contain an array of torture instruments, but also Satanic imagery and diagrams of how to best inflict pain on a human being. Ray developed a wooden contraption that would bend women over so that he could have his trained dogs and his friends rape them. He also had syringes, knives, sex toys, leg spreaders, surgical saws, cattle prods, and various other things he used for torture within easy reach. Anal rape and electrocution by generator or cattle prod were some of his favorite forms of torture. To be extra monstrous, he installed a gynecological chair to hold his victims in place with their legs spread wide while he conducted his sexual torture; above the chair, he installed a mirror because he wanted his victims to watch what was being done to them.

Usually, he would drug his victims with barbiturates. When they woke up after being tortured and drugged, he would play a recording of his voice, telling his victims that he was their master and his girlfriend was their mistress, they were not to speak unless spoken to, and he would make sure they died like the others and never see their families again. This way he was able to infiltrate their psyche and break their spirits even more. Often, when he entered the Toy Box to torture his victims, he would dress in a black robe and black mask.
It is believed that he had at least 40 victims, maybe more. This figure is based on videotapes and journal entries. He said that abducting women made his sick movies more real because their suffering and terror was genuine. Whether or not he actually killed these women is unknown. He did drug many of them and release them so that they could not remember enough to lead police back to him.
For years, Ray and his accomplices enjoyed sadistically torturing women. Then, in 1999, he kidnapped the wrong victim.
Cynthia Vigil Jaramillo
Cynthia Vigil Jaramillo was a sex worker in 1999; she had been working the streets since the age of 13. She was working an Albuquerque parking lot when David Parker Ray approached her, saying that he was a cop and she was under arrest for solicitation of prostitution. He slapped handcuffs on her and “arrested” her. In his vehicle, Jaramillo realized something was wrong when she saw his girlfriend, Cindy Hendy, sitting there.
Instead of going to jail, Ray took Jaramillo to a much worse place: his torture chamber in Elephant Butte. After three days of torture inside the Toy Box, Jaramillo escaped on March 22, 1999. This day would prove to be very fateful – not only did Cynthia Jaramillo survive but she helped bring down the Toy Box Killer and his cronies. She is one tough lady.
For the days Jaramillo spent in the trailer, Ray told her that she would not survive. He planned to kill her “like the others.” She would wake from a drug-induced stupor to find herself tied to a table, listening to a 20-minute tape detailing how he would torture her and make her have sex with animals and treat her like a sex slave. She says he did “a lot of sick stuff” to her. I don’t even want to imagine what he did to her. As she speaks about her experiences now, she begins shaking and weeping from nerves. The trauma is likely always going to be raw for her.

Cynthia Jaramillo waited until Ray was at work (he worked as a mechanic). Then she grabbed some keys that Cindy Hendy had carelessly left on a nearby table in the Toy Box and unlocked her handcuffs. Hendy figured out what was going on and smashed a lamp over Jaramillo’s head to subdue her. But Jaramillo persevered and stabbed Cindy with an icepick in the neck.
Wearing just a dog collar and chains with the unlocked padlocks, Jaramillo fled to a neighbor’s. The neighbor took in the hysterically sobbing woman and called authorities. That day, Ray and his girlfriend were both detained by police and a search was executed on the property. They found evidence of Jaramillo’s torture as well as her altercation with Hendy.
Hendy tried to say that she and Ray felt sorry for Jaramillo and tried to help her get off drugs. But the evidence was overwhelming. As Hendy was arrested, she agreed to flip on Ray and give up details to save herself from a life sentence. She implicated Ray in 14 murders and many more kidnappings and rapes. She also gave up information about a murder he committed against Billy Ray Bowers.
Now Jaramillo heads Street Safe New Mexico. This foundation helps protect sex workers from violent crime with check-ins and other outreach. Women can get coffee in their “safe haven” and learn about the many services they offer. She has three sons and takes care of her aging grandmother. She has really come far, despite Ray’s attempts to keep her from having a life.
Angelica Montano
Angelica Montano was another victim that Ray was charged with kidnapping and torturing and raping. She was actually Ray’s neighbor who came by to borrow cake mix. This is when Ray and Cindy Hendy decided to kidnap her, drug her, and put her in the Toy Box.
After days of torture, Ray dumped Angelica on the side of the road, leaving her for dead. Not much is known about her case because she died of a drug overdose prior to trial. This meant her trial was never brought forward as she couldn’t testify. It is so sad. Even though Ray didn’t actually kill her, he technically did because the trauma led her to drugs and despair that ultimately ended her life. I can’t imagine living with the memories of such trauma and apparently Angelica Montano could not.
Kelli Garrett
Reviewing footage from Ray’s film equipment, police were able to identify Kelli Garrett by a tattoo on her ankle. She had been Ray’s victim in 1996. They tracked her down in Colorado and got her to testify at his trial.
The night Kelli Garrett was abducted, she had had a fight with her husband and went to a bar to play pool and cool off with some beers. This is where she ran into Jesse Ray, or Glenda Ray, David Parker Ray’s daughter. The two apparently were friends. Jesse took Kelli to the Blu Water Saloon in T or C and possibly drugged her beer.
Kelli stumbled out to the parking lot when Jesse Ray hit her in the back of the head from behind, knocking her out. Kelli then found herself being abducted to Jesse’s father’s house. She was held in the Toy Box and tortured for two whole days, where she faded in and out of consciousness. I can’t imagine what she went through. She must have thought she would die.
Ray sure tried to kill her. At the end of two days, Ray slashed her throat and dumped her in the desert. Kelli survived somehow and stumbled home, where she told her husband that she had woken up in the desert with no memory of what had happened to her. Her husband thought she had just been on a bender, possibly cheating on him. He didn’t call police and Kelli didn’t, either, thinking no one would believe her.
Kelli’s husband filed for divorce. Kelli moved to Colorado and tried to live her life without thinking of the terrible ordeal she had survived. But memories came flooding back when she heard Cynthia Vigil’s story on the news. She came forward – and testified in Ray’s trial. Once again, people didn’t believe her and the jury thought her story was contrived. It breaks my heart that this woman went through such a horrific ordeal and was betrayed by her “friend” Jesse Ray, only to have nobody believe her. For what it’s worth, which isn’t much, I believe her.
Jill Suzanne Troia
Jill Troia is believed to be one of the many women who disappeared because of David Parker Ray. Jill disappeared without a trace in 1995 from Albuquerque. Her body has never been found.

Jill Troia was last seen at the Frontier Restaurant in Albuquerque with Ray’s daughter, Jesse Ray, in the early morning hours of October 1, 1995. We now know that Jesse was heavily involved in her father’s crimes. It seems likely she did something that contributed to Troia’s death. Troia’s body hasn’t been found, but she has not been seen or heard from by anyone.
Her parents, who adopted her as an infant, reported her missing when she didn’t come home from a night out with her friends. The night she vanished, she had gone to the Ranch Bar with friends and then the Frontier Restaurant in the early morning hours with Jesse Ray. The two had an argument, according to both Jesse and eyewitnesses, though I don’t know what it was about. Jesse Ray claims she then left Jill at the restaurant to drive her father back to Elephant Butte. Since both evil Rays were at the scene, I’m afraid there’s not much for Jill being alive.
Jill Troia was only 22 when she vanished. She was of Korean descent with brown hair and brown eyes. She had a bowed left leg. Due to blindness in her left eye, she wore prescription glasses. She was only five foot and about a hundred pounds, wearing a gray T-shirt and jeans.
In her picture, she looks like a happy kid and it breaks my heart that something terrible probably happened to her. I’m not sure how Ray chose his victims. But it seems he did not have a type. Instead, he went after any woman who was vulnerable. Using his daughter to lure the victims is especially heinous, and it made many women trustingly go with Jesse, right into Ray’s sick sadomasochistic world.
If you know anything about Jill Troia, please contact the Albuquerque Police Cold Case Unit at 505-768-2404. Reference Agency Case Number: 95-118843 and NCIC Number: M-874800492. Considering Ray had friends who helped him rape women, there are probably people out there who know about Jill Troia and what happened to her. Jesse Ray is walking free among us and she undoubtedly knows the truth, so if she ever talks to anyone about it, then they should come forward and give Jill’s family some peace.
Billy Ray Bowers
Bowers owned a used car dealership in Phoenix that had employed David Parker Ray. Ray was a disgruntled worker and often fought with Bowers. On September 22, 1988, Bowers vanished from Phoenix and was believed to be the victim of foul play. His family offered up a $5000 reward for information but no information came forward.
On September 28, 1989, an El Paso man was fishing in McRea Cover near Elephant Butte when he pulled up a blue tarp wrapped around something heavy. He called police and they opened the tarp to find the body of a man, who had been shot in the back of the head. He was buried as a John Doe.
After her 1999 arrest, Cindy Hendy stated that Ray had killed Bowers and dumped him in the river. This led to police comparing the dental records of the 1989 John Doe from the Elephant Butte River. It was a positive match. Therefore, Ray is the prime suspect in his murder. But Ray died before he could be charged with that killing and he was not charged in the original trials for Cynthia Vigil, Angelica Montano, and Kelli Garrett.
After “John Doe” was identified, his son came to Truth or Consequences to retrieved his remains. He is now buried in Neosho, Missouri, where he grew up. He was a twin and a former owner of an egg production factory before becoming co-owner of Canal Motors in Phoenix. He also had four children. His family probably misses him very much. Why Ray killed him is unclear, beyond the fact that Ray was a very sick man who liked to inflict harm on people.
Marie Parker
Marie Parker disappeared on July 5, 1999. Dennis Roy Yancy was convicted of her killing. However, David Parker Ray and Glenda “Jesse” Ray were also involved.
Dennis Roy Yancy was a friend of David Parker Ray’s. Marie Parker was a 22-year-old mother of two. She lived in a tent that David Parker Ray had given her, having been recently evicted from her home. Apparently she was involved in drugs and so was Yancy. A “drug deal gone bad” caused Dennis Roy Yancy and Jesse Ray to lure Marie Parker from a T or C bar to Ray’s Toy Box.
Inside the Toy Box, Ray tortured Marie Parker while Jesse Ray held a gun to the terrified woman’s head. Yancy stood by and watched. Then Ray told Yancy, “You have to get rid of her.” Yancy followed orders and strangled Marie Parker with a rope. He claimed this was because he was scared of Ray.
Once Marie was dead, they wrapped her body in tarp and took her to a remote part of the desert to bury her. If this spot could be identified, it may yield a graveyard of Ray’s other victims. But unfortunately, Marie Parker has never been found. There was also no forensic evidence found connecting her to the trailer. For this reason, the Rays were not charged with her death. But according to some sources, there is actual footage of the murder.
For this horrific murder, Yancy was given a measly thirty years. He paroled out in 2010 but violated his parole, so he went back to prison until 2021. So this evil man and pal of Ray’s is walking the streets, possibly harming other women. He was the only part of this saga yet he is the only one who served any time for murder.
To further paint a picture of Yancy’s character, he was possibly responsible for the death of Kenneth Lane as well. Lane was a buddy of Yancy’s and he rode a motorcycle. Neighbors reported that he and Yancy would usually leave Lane’s place together. But the last time Yancy came over, four days before Lane was discovered dead, Lane did not come out with him. For the next four days, there was no sign of him and his motorcycle sat unridden in his driveway.
Then, about four days after Yancy’s visit, a stench started coming through the neighbors’ wall heater which they shared with Lane’s apartment. Police opened up his apartment door and discovered him dead with his home ransacked and blood smeared all over the walls. The detective investigating told the neighbors that it was a homicide; yet later it was declared a suicide.
The autopsy showed that Lane had died of metal poisoning. His stomach was full of nuts and bolts, and he had a doorknob inserted in his rectum. Um, excuse me? Who commits suicide like that? Compounded with the blood all over the walls, I think it’s pretty obvious that this was not a suicide.
Yancy was the last person known to have seen Lane alive.
“Connie” is one of Parker’s alleged 40-60 victims. She was held and tortured in the Toy Box, probably around December 1995. David Parker Ray wrote in his journal that she was named Connie but he didn’t mention her last name. He wrote that she was born in 1977, had long blonde hair, and had a birthmark on her chest.
Like most serial predators, Ray kept jewelry and other items from his victims as trophies. One of his trophies was a letter found in the Toy Box. It was from an Australian man named Mark. Mark has never been identified, despite the litany of identifying details in his letter.
Mark reportedly had met Connie and her friend, Candy, on the beach in Australia. He wanted to keep in touch; the letter was dated June 1990. Mark said that he was studying for social policy exams and worked at a hospital for the developmentally disabled. He also jogged for the Gay Frontrunners. The address on the letter was Old South Head Rd., Bellevue Hill, New South Wales (NSW), but Mark also said that he had lived in Melbourne, Victoria, at the time of Queen Elizabeth’s birthday, April 21. Despite all these details, Mark has never been found.
The other girl the letter was addressed to, Candy, was tracked down by police. She had died ten years earlier, however, so they obviously did not glean anything from her.
It is not known if Connie was murdered by Ray and his accomplices, or drugged and released. Only one body has been found tied to Ray and that is of Bowers. But Connie has not been found or heard from. If Connie is OK, police would really like to identify her and ascertain that she survived the Toy Box. She may have drug-induced amnesia of her time in the Toy Box, which is probably for the best. She may also be one of the many Toy Box Killer victims that police believe are buried somewhere in the southern NM desert.
The Other Victims
Ray kept detailed accounts of all his victims. There are at least 40, probably more like 60. It is not clear how many of them died and how many survived.
Besides a couple, his victims have not been found. Police think that these women may have been dumped in Elephant Butte, where they were eaten by catfish. Ray himself talked about gutting women and filling them with cement to dump in the lake for the catfish to feast on. As Elephant Butte dipped to its lowest historic levels in the past few years, people predicted that bodies would start to surface, sort of like in Lake Mead. But no bodies were found in the lake – except that of his former associate, Billy Ray Bowers, and a gunny sack filled with female human flesh.
I still think he killed Janis Pulliam. But there are other weird details in that case that made it hard to tell. Read more about it on my post on Janis Pulliam and her son Bryan.
Police think that these victims could be buried in the desert. Most of them may still be alive but with no recollection of what had transpired, thanks to the date rape drug cocktail Ray fed them.
Cindy Hendy claimed that Ray had killed 14 that she knew of and she disclosed where the bodies were in the desert in exchange for a reduced sentence. Yet when law enforcement looked, they did not uncover these women where Hendy said they were. Did she lie, or did Ray move the bodies?
There is footage of him possibly killing women but they may have actually survived. He also threatened his victims with death “like the others,” but this could have been a ploy to scare them even more.
Ray liked to take souvenirs from his victims. The FBI has a site with pictures of all the jewelry and items he took from women. This may be the best way for one of his victims to remember something and come forward. You can view it here.
Here is a sickening list Ray kept of how many times he raped his victims:
The Gunny Sack of Flesh
Ralph Tutor was a 61-year-old El Paso man who liked to go fishing in Elephant Butte. One day, he got something he did not expect when he cast his line in the lake. He pulled up a gunny sack that was busting at the seams. It was packed with some type of “material,” as he described it. He instantly suspected it was body parts and called the authorities.
The gunny sack was determined to contain female human flesh, but no organs or bones. This means the victim was horribly mutilated and dismembered before being dumped in the lake. The DNA was female but was not linked to Marie Parker or any reported missing women. Currently it’s part of a Jane Doe.
Tutor said that he immediately suspected the gunny sack had something to do with the Toy Box Killer. He might be right. Whether or not this was one of Ray’s victims, something horrible clearly happened to this victim. I hope she is one day identified and her other remains are found and properly buried. Even more chillingly, this could be parts of multiple victims.

Patricia Rust
Patricia Rust is an indirect victim of the Toy Box Killer because she committed suicide by gunshot during her investigation of the Toy Box Killer case. This woman was an adept and well-trained FBI officer. She was tasked with taking inventory of the torture devices in the Toy Box, where she spent four days going through his sadistic property, drawing diagrams, and reviewing footage of the things that had occurred in the semi trailer.
Rust had to watch videos of Ray inserting a cattle prod in the vagina of a young woman who was spread-eagled on the gynecologist’s chair. He turned the cattle prod on until the woman collapsed, blood spilling from her mouth and ears and smoke coming from her vagina. Rust also had to watch hours of violent anal rape and rape by dogs. Even more disturbing, as if anything could be more disturbing, Ray often had people with him who were not always identifiable. He liked to wear a black robe and mask to disguise his identity and terrify his victims even more than they already were.
On April 10, 1999, Rust went back to her apartment after a long day working the Toy Box Killer case. She was supposed to go to bed. Instead, officers got a 2 am call about a suicide in progress, presumably from Rust herself. They busted down her door and found her in her armchair, dead from a gunshot wound. She had used her own service revolver to end her life.
In a sense, she is Ray’s last victim. The FBI claimed that her death had nothing to do with the investigation. But it makes sense that she would kill herself after seeing such darkness. Who knows what else was going on in her life to contribute to the suicide, but seeing how evil people can be certainly could not have helped her mental health.
Trials and Convictions
After being arrested in 1999, David Parker Ray was tried for the kidnappings and tortures of Kelli Garrett, Angelica Montano, and Cynthia Vigil separately. This made it impossible for the women’s stories to corroborate each other. Plus, the evidence from the Toy Box was suppressed by the judge for some reason. The jury ended up hung and there was a mistrial for Kelli Garrett because the jury found her story “unbelievable.” The fact women are not believed for their rapes is why so many predators get away with horrific crimes.
Ray took a plea in exchange for leniency for Jesse Ray, his daughter. He got 224 years for 12 counts of kidnapping and he was not given the death penalty, which doesn’t exist in New Mexico. You might say that he deserved the death penalty, but fortunately he died in prison. He died of a heart attack in 2002 while being taken to Lea County Correctional Facility for an interrogation with police.
Jesse Ray only got time served (which was two and a half years) plus five years of probation. She lives in Somerset, KY, and works at a nursing home. I feel that she served almost no time for this when she was very much involved. Her picture gives me the absolute heebie jeebies. I hope that she is not hurting women and that she has gotten serious help. I’m not sure if she was a willing accomplice or a victim of her father’s. Most likely both are true in her case. In similar cases, children were sexually abused by their sadistic fathers and then roped into the sickness as they grew older under threat of harm. This may be what happened to Jesse, and maybe now she is living right. I can only hope so.
Cindy Hendy got 36 years for helping Ray capture and torture victims. She paroled out in 2017 but spent two parole years in prison, so now she is free on our streets as of 2019. How nice that such a lovely woman is walking among us, free to hurt others. I really hope she doesn’t team up with another psychopath and commence sadistic acts again. Based on the details of the case, it doesn’t appear that she ever acted alone, only with David Parker Ray.
It sickens me that Ray never did any time or faced any justice for his killings and his other victims. He is evil – and intelligent. The worst combination. It also sickens me that due to plea bargains and snitching, his accomplices walk among us now. Even worse are the many unidentified “friends” of his who assisted in the rapes and torture of his victims. How many of these people are roaming the streets of Truth or Consequences, free to harm other people? And what information might they have about who his victims are and where they may be buried?
2 responses
[…] theory that I thought of was that the killer was David Parker Ray, the Toy Box Killer. I saw on a live chat that other people share that theory. Ray moved to Elephant Butte around 1987 […]
[…] Safe Streets in Albuquerque after her harrowing encounter with David Parker Ray in his infamous Toy Box torture chamber. When she realized that sex workers were going missing, she knew immediately what […]